Category: General

  • Here to help, not be a pushover.

    Here to help, not be a pushover.

    I am a softy. I can never stay mad at my wife or kids for very long.

    I put up with a lot of headache clients—more than I care to remember. Actually, this is now a New Year’s resolution: I will walk away from nuisance people when my gut tells me so.

    My gut has always been right.

    The latest round of “Too Nice Mike” involves a client’s father, who purchased two pre-construction condos and is in a precarious position of not being able to close on them.

    The reason I feel bad and want to help as much as I can, and out of the goodness of my heart, by the way, is he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

    Wanting to help as much as possible, I’m scheduled to attend the pre-delivery inspection on their behalf—for free. I’m taking time out of my day, missing my jiujitsu class, to walk through a condo I had no part of the buying process.

    However, his kids ask if there is a way out of the contract because of his condition.

    Here is the message thread:

    Daughter: Hey Mike ???? Is there any way we could speak to the builder for an extension? It’s most likely that my dad’s illness affected his judgement when making the decision to get involved with this.

    Me: I can’t answer that question. I don’t know the legality of that situation. You would need to consult with a lawyer. That will cost money.

    Son: Would it be something that could be asked anyways? I don’t think we are trying to make a legal case, just a more practical issue that she won’t be able to make the next payment most likely, and may not be able to secure a mortgage either in a short period of time. Can you request if they can delay? I don’t think it’ll hurt to ask? I don’t think it’s out of ordinary or outside of market standard for our broker to negotiate/make such request?

    Me: I think we need to all need to understand what the situation is. I am offering to help where I can and am doing this out of respect and free of charge.

    Asking to negotiate and make such a request is outside of market “standards”.

    This is a lawful binding contract that was signed and executed under seal and would require a knowledgeable professional in this field.

    Son: Of course, we very much appreciate your assistance and kindness.

    I think we are just trying to think of our options here and wanted to get your thoughts. But I understand certain aspects will require expertise.

    In the meantime, if you can kindly follow up with the required next steps and relevant dates that would be greatly appreciated, and we will see what can be done.

    This is why I like about writing things out. It clears my mind and lets me think with more logic than emotion.

    While writing this post, I decided it was best not to get any more involved, so I canceled my attendance for the pre-delivery inspection and advised them to contact their lawyer.

    Attending the PDI may be construed as consent to close the condo. If they can’t, I’m worried it could come back on me and professional advice, and I could be sued.

    This isn’t worth the stress, especially when I had nothing to do with the decision to buy the condos in the first place.

  • Real Estate vs. The Soul: Confessions of a Reluctant Writer

    Real Estate vs. The Soul: Confessions of a Reluctant Writer

    If I’m not writing, all I think about is what I will write about.

    The topics are great. The pacing is perfect. Entire articles perfectly written that grab the readers attention and provide me the authority and proof that homeowners are looking for in order to hire me to sell their home.

    The words are always there before I sit down to write.

    Once I sit down to actually wite, the words are gone.

    Instead I see a fog. It’s white on the ground and progressively gets more grey as I look higher. The shade of grey you get from mixing purple, blue and brown together (if that makes sense?).

    Where do those perfectly good real estate topics go? Into the aether?

    Maybe they never were real estate topics to begin with.

    Who the fuck wants to write about real estate anyway?

    Does anyone actually read blogs anymore, especially real estate blogs?

    Home buyer guides? I’d rather have another vascectomy.

    Top ten lists on how a seller can sell their home? Dictating an Adam Sandler movie would be more enjoyable.

    If it were up to me, I’d write about my belief in Feng Shui and show examples of how energy (chi) can pool and get stuck in areas where the current is restricted.

    Example, and I apolgize for bringing this to your attention because you’ll now notice it: while driving, pay attention to cars parked on the street and how often there is an oncoming car at the same time.

    One driver will have to slow down to let the other pass.

    This is the flow of energy getting stuck or collecting. Too much stagnant energy can be a bad thing.

    Energy should have an even flow (as Pearl Jam would sing). Not too fast that you can’t gather any of it, and not too slow that it collects a stagnates and turns negative.

    Think of a slow meandering stream. The water is clear, soft and beautiful. A perfect flow. You can wade into the stream unafraid of being swept off by the currents.

    Now picture a violent river with foaming white currents crashing into each other. A kind of angry current that would kill you if you tried crossing the river.

    Then there is the sitting water of a swamp. Algae as green and smooth as a billiards table covers the still surface. The putrid stench of rot and decay alerts the survival instinct in you that the water is poisonnous.

    But who would want to read that sort of nonsense? How does that help someone sell their home?

    I could go into detail about how furniture placement can affect the energy flow in a room and turn off a potential home buyer.

    Same goes for the size of furniture. Too big = energy restriction. Too small or too sparse; the opposite.

    Would anyone care to know about front door placement? Likley not.

    It would take more than the nine second attention span of most people and by the time I got to the point explaining that when a front door opens to a staircase, which lets the energy of a home rush down the stairs and out the door, readers would be bored stiff and opening their dopamine inducing social media app of choice.

    There’s no serotonin released from discovering how a front door facing a window allows energy a direct line to escape the home too.

    Nah, no one cares. They’d rather know what the new colour trend of the year will be so they can spend a day shopping at Home Sense to replace all of their blue, gold and grey pillows and throws.

    My topics are boring, therefore I don’t write about them.

  • How to declutter your house in one day

    Is it possible to learn how to declutter your house in one day?

    While it may not be possible for everyone to declutter their entire house in a day, you’ll learn how to streamline and declutter your home with these expert decluttering strategies.

    It’s common for everyone to have some clutter lying around their homes – and for many, it’s more than just a bit. While household clutter may seem innocuous, the reality is that being surrounded by more possessions than one can manage can lead to stress and a sense of life spiraling out of control.

    Decluttering your home is a form of self-care, providing numerous benefits such as improved organization, increased productivity, a more harmonious living environment, and a heightened sense of well-being.

    In this comprehensive guide, compiled from various posts on organization and decluttering encountered during my personal decluttering journey, I’ll assist you in kickstarting your own decluttering project. Gain insights into cleaning up any room or space in your home with organizational ideas and decluttering tips from some of the leading experts in the field.

    How to Declutter Your House in One Day

    Why Decluttering Your Home is Importnt

    To begin with, what exactly is clutter?

    Clutter encompasses anything you’re holding onto that doesn’t contribute value to your life. Decluttering involves creating space in your home for the things that genuinely matter.

    When does clutter become a problem?

    For many individuals, clutter can drain energy or result in significant time wasted searching for misplaced items. Unwanted clutter in the home can induce stress and even feelings of embarrassment. In extreme cases, individuals may experience depression or obesity as a consequence of excessive consumption beyond material possessions. In more severe hoarding scenarios, health complications may arise from the presence of mold and dust, and in rare instances, clutter-filled spaces could pose fire hazards.

    Why is it essential to declutter your home?

    Organizing and decluttering offer stress relief for many, instilling a sense of control and accomplishment. It can lead to a reduction in overall stress levels. Others find that eliminating excess belongings creates additional space in their homes that wasn’t previously available. Some may opt to declutter before a move. Regardless of your motive for decluttering your home and, consequently, your life, this highly comprehensive guide will guide you through the process.

    Declutter in these house hot spots

    How to Start the Decluttering Process in Three Simple Steps

    1. Set a Timeline and Goals

    Before diving into the decluttering process, it’s crucial to create a plan. Setting specific goals will help alleviate frustration and obstacles, regardless of the amount of clutter you need to tackle. Consider the following as you begin:

    • Create a map or list of all the rooms and “clutter hot spots” you intend to address.
    • Grade each space based on clutter severity to prioritize your efforts (e.g., using a scale of 1-3, with 3 being the most cluttered).
    • Focus on one room or area at a time.
    • Set realistic completion dates for each phase of your cleanup, turning the process into a manageable challenge.
    • Plan dedicated time for areas requiring longer decluttering sessions, such as the basement or garage.

    2. Establish a Sorting System

    As you move through your home, develop a system for categorizing discovered items. Whether creating your own method or using the widely accepted Three-Box Method, this step helps maintain organization and prevents a worsening mess. Follow these decluttering tips:

    • Keep: Items with daily usefulness. Empty this box after each space, placing items in neatly labeled containers or drawers.
    • Get Rid Of: Items no longer needed. Empty this box after each space and decide whether to donate or discard each item. Store giveaway or sale items outside the home.
    • Put In Storage: Seasonal or sentimental items. Empty this box into labeled storage containers, stacking them neatly in a designated storage area.

    3. Eliminate Clutter from Your Home

    Dispose of items in the “Get Rid Of” box through various options:

    • Donate or Freecycle: Contribute items in good condition to local charities or online platforms for others to use.
    • Recycle: Utilize curbside pickup for recyclables or take them to the nearest recycling drop-off location.
    • Garage Sale: Potentially earn money by hosting a garage sale if items are suitable for resale.
    • Rent a Dumpster: For items not fit for donation or sale, consider a stress-free dumpster rental to efficiently dispose of clutter. Obtain a free quote for a dumpster rental to facilitate your decluttering project.
    nicely organized room

    10 Essential Decluttering Tips for Your Home

    It can be tough for people to say goodbye to things they bought with their own money or things they liked and used a lot. These things often remind them of good times and mean a lot to them. That’s why it’s hard to let them go.

    Remember, you have choices when dealing with clutter, so don’t feel bad about getting rid of things. Prepare yourself mentally for cleaning up your space and remember these tips:

    Embracing the 80/20 Rule:

    Recognize that, most often, we only utilize a small fraction of our belongings. Focus your decluttering efforts on items seldom used, adhering to the 80/20 principle.

    Letting Go of Sunk Costs:

    Shift your perspective away from past expenditures and concentrate on the prospective value an item could bring to your future.

    Ensuring Functionality:

    Evaluate whether each item is in working order. Promptly address any repairs, or consider parting ways to prevent unnecessary accumulation.

    Reflecting on Necessity:

    Consider the last instance you found an item indispensable. If it hasn’t been used in six months or slipped from memory, it may be time to bid it farewell.

    Tracking Usage:

    For items like clothes or books, monitor their use by turning them around after each use. If a year passes without utilization, contemplate decluttering.

    Questioning Love:

    Evaluate your emotional connection to possessions. If an item hasn’t been used in over six months and fails to evoke joy, consider placing it in the “Get Rid Of” pile.

    Sleeping on Decisions:

    When uncertain about parting with something, sleep on the decision. By morning, you’ll discern whether it’s genuinely indispensable.

    Commencing with Small Triumphs:

    Alleviate the overwhelming nature of decluttering by initiating with smaller projects. Building a sense of accomplishment can propel you towards more extensive tasks.

    Decongesting Flat Surfaces:

    Recognize that flat surfaces tend to attract clutter. While some items may warrant visibility, strive to keep surfaces clear and consider storage solutions for frequently used belongings.

    Categorizing for Order:

    Group similar items together during the decluttering process. This not only facilitates organization but also enhances accessibility to needed items.


    Room-By-Room Organizing and Decluttering Tips

    Armed with the necessary tools, you’re ready to take on any decluttering endeavor at home. Let’s proceed to our systematic decluttering guidance for each room. Approaching it room by room proves to be the most effective method for organizing and decluttering, with many rooms manageable within a weekend timeframe.

    organized bedroom declutter

    How to Declutter Your Bedrooms

    Bedrooms often end up being places where things just get piled up because they don’t have a designated spot in the rest of the house. Our survey found that bedrooms are usually the most cluttered rooms in homes. But honestly, all you really need in a bedroom are the basics – a bed, nightstands, and some storage for clothes, shoes, jewelry, and makeup.

    Depending on how much stuff you have, it might take you an afternoon or a whole weekend to tidy up and organize your bedroom. We’ll talk about sorting out your closet in another section because that can be a bit tricky.

    Start with the drawers: Take everything out and ask yourself two questions about each item:

    1. Does it belong in the bedroom?
    2. Have you used or worn it in the last year?

    If the answer is “no” to either question, put the item in a “Get Rid Of” pile or take it back to where it belongs. When putting things back in the drawers, consider using dividers or small containers to keep similar things together. You can get creative and use small boxes, like shoe or cereal boxes, or even plastic containers as drawer organizers. You can also add shelf paper to make cleaning the drawers easier later on.

    Keep flat surfaces clear: Try not to clutter the tops of dressers or nightstands with too many things. A few decorations, a lamp, or some pictures are fine, but keep each surface to less than five items. This helps make the bedroom feel more peaceful.

    Use storage bins for things like seasonal items and toys: Not everything can fit in closets, so baskets, toy chests, or shelves can be handy for kids’ toys. If toys aren’t getting much attention, it might be time to donate some. For seasonal stuff like clothes or bedding, store them in plastic or cloth bins under the bed or in a closet. You can also use space-saver bags to compress big items and save space.

    Additional Bedroom Decluttering Resources:

    Declutter organized closet

    How to Declutter Your Closet

    Clearing out your closet can be a therapeutic experience. Sorting through clothes, shoes, and other long-forgotten items not only tidies up your home but can also lighten your mental load, freeing you from any emotional attachment to these belongings. This task typically takes an afternoon, although particularly stuffed walk-in closets might require a week of decluttering sessions.

    Make sure to have your “Keep,” “Get Rid Of,” and “Put In Storage” bins nearby as you follow these steps to declutter your closet.

    Start from the Bottom Up

    While many people instinctively begin with hanging items at the top, a more efficient approach is to kick off the cleanup by addressing the mess at the bottom of the closet. This not only creates space to work but also gives you a sense of progress, making it feel like you’re halfway through the closet in no time.

    Get Rid of Clothes and Shoes

    Following the simple decluttering tips we discussed earlier, it’s important to stick to the 80/20 rule when cleaning out your closet. Since we usually wear about 20% of our clothes 80% of the time, there’s likely a good amount of clothing you can let go of.

    If you’re unsure about what to toss, ask yourself these questions about each item:

    1. Does it fit?
    2. Is it damaged, stained, torn, or faded?
    3. Has it been worn in the past year?

    If you answered “no” to any of these questions (or “yes” to question #2), put the item in your “Get Rid Of” bin. Seasonal clothing and items with sentimental value that you don’t wear often should be stored in a separate bin to create more space in your closet. This applies to shoes and jewelry too.

    Even after this cleanup, you might still keep things you should have let go of. To find these items, try the “backwards hanger” trick. Begin the year with all hangers’ tips facing the front of the closet (backwards). After wearing something, put it back with the hanger facing the back. By the end of the year, you can easily identify clothes that you no longer need.

    Clean Up Closet Shelves

    Empty your closet, wipe down the shelves, and get rid of anything that doesn’t add value to your life. Avoid stacking clothes and storing things on shelves that can get hidden behind hanging clothes. Except for items in containers, you should be able to see everything in your closet without moving too much around. Use shelf space to store smaller items in boxes and bins.

    If you’re decluttering a closet not used for clothing, resist the temptation to stack everything like a game of Tetris. Instead, consider adding more shelving above floor items, like vacuums or storage bins. You can also install hooks inside the door for brooms, mops, and dustpans.

    Cleaning up your closets will improve your quality of life. You’ll save time when you no longer have to search for items you “could’ve sworn were in there,” and make room for new belongings that bring you more joy. Plus, you can save yourself the risk of items falling on you the next time you open a closet door.

    Additional Closet Decluttering Resources:

    declutter and organize living room

    How to Declutter Your Living Room

    The main goal for any family room or living space is to be a relaxing environment. If the room is cluttered with toys, books, wires, blankets, old magazines, and more, it can be challenging to truly unwind. After bedrooms, the living room is the second most cluttered space in many homes.

    Chances are, your living room could use a bit of a makeover. Follow these decluttering tips to reclaim your serene family space in just a weekend.

    Un-Decorate and Remove Items That Don’t Belong

    Your living room might feel crowded and overwhelming due to an excess of things. Hanging pictures and adding floating shelves to the walls can clear tabletops of clutter. Simplify the number of throw pillows and blankets to a few statement pieces.

    Start by removing items that don’t belong, such as toys that should be in kids’ rooms, mail or magazines meant for the office, and glasses or dishware that wandered from the kitchen.

    You might also have an abundance of books, CDs, DVDs, and other entertainment items taking up space. Sort through them and donate or sell what’s no longer essential. Consider converting your music and movies to a digital format to free up space without losing anything significant. Eliminate broken or unused toys, remote controls, or anything else that has lost its purpose.

    Add More Storage

    As you declutter, you may discover you have a surplus of items that do belong in the living room. Here are simple storage solutions:

    1. Use baskets for frequently-used toys and blankets.
    2. Install shelving for video games, DVDs, and other media.
    3. Look for storage furniture like ottomans, trunks, or furniture that doubles as storage, such as couches with hidden compartments.
    4. Get furniture like entertainment centers with shelves and cupboards.

    Wrangle the Wires

    The mess of wires around your TV can be unsightly. Consider these tips for managing cords:

    1. Use appropriately sized cords – avoid excessively long ones.
    2. Choose furniture that conceals cords if you don’t want to feed them into the wall.
    3. Store extra cords in a container that matches your room décor.
    4. Conceal some cords with an area rug.

    Sometimes you can’t eliminate cords entirely, but you can hide them cleverly!

    Additional Living Room Decluttering Resources:

    how to declutter your home office

    How to Declutter Your Home Office

    Getting distracted by all the clutter surrounding you? Take back your workspace in a single afternoon with these decluttering tips, so you can get organized and be more productive in your home office.

    Sort Through Paper Items

    Even if you don’t have a designated home office, chances are you still have some office-related clutter. For many, this involves important documents, stacks of bills, receipts, and other papers waiting for attention. When tackling the decluttering of an office or workspace, it’s a good idea to begin with paper items. Getting the paper mess in order is often half the battle!

    Start by organizing your office papers into three piles: “File,” “To-Do,” and “Trash.” Once sorted, immediately file the papers you need to keep. Place the to-do pile in a basket or file folder for later, and dispose of or shred the items in the trash pile.

    Here are some additional tips for handling stacks of papers:

    1. Scan important documents and receipts to create a digital record; then, shred or discard the paper if you don’t need a physical copy.
    2. Store older paper files, like taxes, in a plastic bin in a less frequently accessed space, such as the basement or garage.
    3. Designate a specific spot for important mail or pending documents you need to address soon, as well as for incoming papers in the future. This way, you’ll have a designated place to put them when they arrive.

    Clear Off Your Desk and Organize Drawers

    Challenge yourself to clear most items from your desk, keeping only essential items like the computer, a lamp, and a few necessary tools. Limit desk decorations to a few knickknacks—don’t overcrowd!

    Whenever possible, store office supplies in drawers. To keep your office drawers organized, follow these three simple steps:

    1. Empty the drawers completely.
    2. Eliminate excess items. If you have more than you’ll need in the next year, consider letting it go. If you haven’t used something in six months, it’s probably time to part with it.
    3. Organize similar items together and avoid leaving too many loose items in a drawer. You can use drawer organizers or repurpose small boxes and containers you already have.

    Tame Your Cords

    While not an essential step for organizing your home office, wrangling your cords will help you achieve a clean, crisp look. A simple online search will bring up plenty of cord management products, and you can use a few of these clever cord hacks:

    • Label cords with tape, so it’s easier to tell which cord goes with each device.
    • Hold up cords that are frequently unplugged on your desk using binder clips.
    • Use twist-ties or rubber bands to tie up excess cables. It won’t be fancy, but it’s effective!

    Additional Home Office Decluttering Resources:


    How to Declutter Your Kitchen

    The kitchen is often the busiest room in the house, especially if you cook regularly. With dishes, cookware, utensils, small appliances, food, spices, and more, your kitchen can quickly become crowded. Clutter tends to accumulate in various spots, such as cabinets, drawers, and countertops. Reclaim your kitchen space in just a weekend and make cooking a less stressful experience with these easy kitchen decluttering tips.

    Start by Decluttering Countertops

    Kitchen counters often attract clutter, making it an excellent starting point for decluttering. Follow these two simple steps for significant improvement:

    1. Clear everything off the counters, leaving only 3-5 essential items like a coffee maker or knife block. Place the cleared items on the kitchen table or floor, but ensure they’re off the counter.
    2. Put away or find new homes for the cleared items. Discard papers or junk mail, throwing them away, or relocating items needing attention to your office.

    This quick project can take a few minutes or up to an hour for highly cluttered counters, giving your kitchen a refreshing feel when completed.

    Divide the Kitchen Into Zones

    To prevent a bigger mess, declutter one section of your kitchen at a time. Zoning can improve organization as you put things away:

    1. Designate the space near the stove for cooking utensils, pots, and pans, keeping them conveniently located for cooking.
    2. Store baking supplies in a cabinet or shelf unless you bake daily. If you have a countertop mixer, organize baking supplies nearby.
    3. Create a zone for storage bags, cling wrap, aluminum foil, and cleaning supplies.

    Purge and Relocate Items

    Consider discarding or donating items untouched for a year. If keeping infrequently used items, store them outside the kitchen. Move items to their new zone:

    1. Small Appliances: Evaluate and keep only frequently used small appliances. Those with multiple functions are usually keepers.
    2. Plastic Storage Containers: Declutter excess containers and lids, keeping only what’s necessary. Store spare containers in the kitchen or outside if there’s a surplus.
    3. Pots and Pans: Donate duplicate pots and pans unless they serve a special purpose and are used frequently.

    Simplify to limit chaos in this high-traffic space. If hesitant about discarding kitchen tools, store them in a box and reassess their necessity over the next year. If unused, consider donating the box to Goodwill.

    Additional Kitchen Decluttering Resources:


    How to Declutter Your Washrooms

    Decluttering the Bathroom Made Simple

    Decluttering your bathroom is an uncomplicated task that involves purging and organizing items on your countertops, shelves, and inside drawers. With just one afternoon of work, you can bring order to this space.

    Pull Everything Out and Toss the Excess

    1. Clear off bathroom counters, empty drawers, and thoroughly clean linen closets.
    2. Consider decluttering multiple bathrooms simultaneously to assess the overall excess.
    3. Check expiration dates and discard products with minimal remaining content within a month.
    4. Donate excess items, such as towels, to local animal shelters.
    5. Dispose of items you don’t like or use, like unused bath bomb sets or fancy soaps.

    Put Like-Things Together

    1. Group similar items together, even if they originated from different bathrooms.
    2. Create piles for medicine, towels, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and makeup.
    3. Combine multiples of the same item and discard empty bottles or packaging.

    Set Up Organization Systems

    1. Use dividers, drawer organizers, small boxes, and baskets for effective bathroom organization.
    2. Keep like-item groups together in an organized manner.
    3. Repurpose small boxes or plastic containers from around the house as drawer organizers.

    Streamline Bathroom Countertops

    1. Aim to minimize items on bathroom countertops.
    2. Organize daily-use items neatly on a tray, shelf, or easily-accessible drawer.

    With these steps, your bathroom will become a well-organized and clutter-free space in no time.

    Additional Bathroom Decluttering Resources:


    How to Declutter Your Laundry Room

    Streamlining Your Laundry Room

    Laundry rooms come in various shapes and sizes, from unfinished basements to second-story spaces. Each setup presents unique challenges, but these decluttering tips apply universally. You can transform your laundry room into an organized space, whether you have a few hours or a weekend to spare.

    Eliminate Unnecessary Items

    1. Identify and relocate items in the laundry room not related to laundry activities.
    2. Avoid using laundry shelves for miscellaneous storage to prevent adding to overall clutter.

    Organize with Shelving, Bins, and Baskets

    1. Group similar items together that belong in the laundry room.
    2. Store these items in well-labeled bins or baskets for easy access.
    3. Install sturdy shelving to maintain organization and prevent clutter.
    4. Enhance the aesthetic by storing detergent and fabric softener in glass jars or beverage dispensers, especially if the laundry room is a high-traffic area in your home.

    Make a Plan to Keep the Room Tidy

    Once you have organization systems in place, you should make an effort to keep things that way. First, keep clothes off the laundry room floor. Any clothes in the laundry room, whether they’re dirty or waiting to be folded, should be kept in a hamper or laundry basket.

    You should also avoid storing items on top of the washer and dryer. Remember the declutter mantra: “Keep flat surfaces clear.”

    Additional Laundry Room Decluttering Resources:


    How to Declutter Your Basement or Attic

    Tackling Basement or Attic Clutter: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Clutter often finds a long-term home in basements or attics, where the “out of sight, out of mind” adage holds true. To address the clutter in these storage spaces, allocate a substantial amount of time, as these projects usually extend beyond a mere hour.

    1. Divide Into Zones and Clear Out:

    • Work on one specific area at a time, such as shelves, boxes, or seasonal decorations.
    • Empty shelves or bins completely before moving on to the next zone.
    • Sort items into “Keep” or “Get Rid Of” bins as you progress through each zone.
    • Consider an additional category for broken items, setting a deadline for repairs before deciding to recycle or discard them.

    2. Keep Like-Things Together and Discard Junk:

    • Move items you’re parting with outside of the house immediately.
    • Discard items directly into the dumpster or trash bin if they’re not reusable.
    • If donating or selling, place items in the designated vehicle or keep them in a porch or garage until they can be transported.

    3. Organize and Sort Into Bins:

    • Keep similar items together when putting them away for easy retrieval in the future.
    • Sort ornaments, for example, by color to streamline future decorating.
    • Label boxes and bins clearly, either by writing directly, using a label maker, or attaching a paper list to the front.
    • Consider transparent bins for improved visibility of contents.

    Additional Basement and Attic Decluttering Resources:


    How to Declutter Your Garage

    Revamp Your Garage: A Simple Decluttering Guide

    Garages tend to become dumping grounds for various items, from forgotten tools to outdated sporting gear. While decluttering this space might seem daunting, it’s entirely achievable! Follow these practical tips to transform your garage over a weekend or two, restoring it to a functional space for parking your car.

    1. Take Everything Out and Purge:

    • Choose a weekend with favorable weather to pull out every item from the garage.
    • Sort through items, identifying duplicates or items not needed in the next five years.
    • Sell or give away unnecessary items, and discard worn or damaged belongings.

    2. Sort Through and Categorize Your Items:

    • Determine categories for the items you’ve decided to keep (tools, sporting equipment, gardening tools, etc.).
    • Avoid putting items back until you’ve found an organized place for each category.
    • Create zones within the garage for specific categories, making it easy to locate items when needed.

    3. Add Storage and Organization Systems:

    • Purchase additional storage bins, a tool cabinet, or a pegboard for efficient hanging.
    • Install sturdy shelving to utilize vertical space and keep the floor clear.
    • Optimize storage by elevating items when possible.
    • Clearly label every box, bin, or drawer for easy identification of contents.

    Additional Garage Decluttering Resources:


    Keep Your Home Decluttered for Good

    After all the effort you’ve put into decluttering your home, be sure to keep these simple tips in mind to prevent clutter from returning in the future.

    Don’t allow potential clutter into your home in the first place.

    Before purchasing or acquiring anything new, ask yourself, “Do I really need it?” and “Where will I keep it?” If you don’t have an immediate answer to those two questions, don’t bring it home.

    Declutter a little bit each day.

    Deal with common clutter such as mail, clothes and toys every day. By setting aside 20 minutes each day, you’ll avoid having to spend hours cleaning up in the future. If making decluttering a daily routine isn’t doable for you, plan a weekly sweep instead.

    Use the “one in, one out” rule.

    When you bring something new home, throw away or donate something else. You can even implement this room-by-room, to make you think about where you’ll keep this new thing.

    Don’t buy – rent or borrow instead.

    If you only need an item once in a blue moon, consider renting or borrowing it. Whether it’s a book, movie or power tool, there are plenty of resources available. Borrow items from friends, the library or your local home improvement store.

  • Clearing the Way: Snow Removal Services Scarborough, West Rouge, Centennial

    Winter in West Rouge, Toronto, sometimes paints a picturesque scene, but it also brings the (speaking from experience) back-breaking challenge of snow-covered driveways and sidewalks. In the face of heavy snowfall, reliable snow removal services become essential for the residents. Fortunately, West Rouge in Scarborough, is home to several professional snow removal companies, each dedicated to ensuring that the community remains safe and accessible during the frosty months. In this blog post, we will explore some of the top snow removal companies recommended by actual people who have used them living in West Rouge, Toronto, trusted for their efficiency, reliability, and exceptional services.

    A general disclaimer: I have never used any of these snow removal service companies, nor do I endourse an of them. I have an awesome neighbour, with a beast of a snowblower that helps me out when we get a massive snow storm. My sons and I shovel my driveway with good old fashioned snow shovels.

    My handy detective work found these highly-rated snow removal companies in and around West Rouge. Read on to find out about them.

    Annie’s Pro Landscaping

    67 5 star reviews? This has to be a quality snow removal company!

    They don’t even have a good website so I’m guessing their service is based off word of mouth.


    Gorilla Property Services

    Highly visible within the West Rouge community – “Monkey Trucks”, this is what most of the kids call their vehicle when they see them!

    Located in The Villages Of Abbey Lane
    Address: 91 Rylander Blvd Unit 7 Suite 126, Scarborough, ON M1B 5M5
    Phone: (647) 559-9636

    4 Season Solutions

    Highly rated on Google Maps reviews.

    Address: 974 Rambleberry Ave, Pickering, ON L1V 5Y4
    Phone: 19054090607

    Bluevalley Property Management

    Address: 8811 Sheppard Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1B 5R7
    Phone: 4164586866

    Hank Deenen Landscaping Limited

    Address: 90 Minuk Acres, Toronto, ON M1E 4Y6
    Phone: 4167573218

    Mr. Lawnmower Landscaping Services

    Address: 8871 Sheppard Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1B 5R7
    Phone: 4162982148

    About Snow Removal Service Providers

    As winter approaches, choosing the right snow removal company in West Rouge, Toronto, is essential to ensure a stress-free season. Whether you prioritize efficiency, personalized service, or eco-friendly practices, the snow removal companies mentioned above offer a diverse range of options to meet your needs. By entrusting your snow removal requirements to these reputable professionals, you can embrace winter with confidence, knowing that your property will remain clear, safe, and accessible throughout the coldest months of the year.

    Remember to research any company you consider thoroughly. Look for reviews, check their credentials, ask for references, and get multiple quotes before making a decision. Always choose a licensed and insured pool company with a good reputation.

    Be Prepared For Heavy Snowfalls

    As the winter season descends upon Scarborough, the enchanting snowfall can quickly turn into a homeowner’s nightmare. A thick blanket of snow can transform your serene neighborhood into an icy obstacle course. That’s when you start searching for “residential snow removal services near me,” “driveway snow removal,” “cheap snow removal near me,” or “one-time snow removal near me.” To ease your winter worries and help you understand snow removal in Scarborough, we’ve compiled this comprehensive guide.

    Understanding Snow Removal Services in Scarborough

    Scarborough, located in Ontario, Canada, is no stranger to heavy snowfall during the winter months. As a homeowner, you need to prepare for the challenges that come with it. One of the most common issues residents face is clearing snow from driveways and walkways. This is where professional snow removal services come to the rescue.

    The Importance of Snow Removal

    Clearing snow from your driveway and sidewalks is more than just a matter of convenience. It’s a safety necessity. Snow and ice can create hazardous conditions, leading to slip and fall accidents. Additionally, a clear driveway makes it easier for emergency vehicles to access your property during winter storms.

    Snow Removal Services Scarborough: The Solution

    Snow removal services in Scarborough are designed to address these concerns. When you search for “snow removal Scarborough,” you’ll find a variety of local companies ready to help you tackle the winter blues. They offer efficient solutions to plow driveways and clear sidewalks, making your life easier and safer during the cold season.

    The Benefits of Professional Snow Removal

    When you opt for professional snow removal services, you can enjoy several benefits:

    • Timely Service: Snow removal companies in Scarborough are equipped to respond promptly to snowfall, ensuring your driveway is clear when you need it.
    • Expertise: Trained professionals know how to handle snow plowing and removal, preventing any damage to your property.
    • Safety: Clear paths and driveways ensure the safety of your family and visitors during the winter.
    • Time Savings: Instead of spending hours shoveling snow, you can focus on what matters most while the experts take care of snow removal.

    One-Time Snow Removal Near Me

    If you’re looking for a one-time snow removal service in Scarborough, many companies offer this option. It’s a flexible solution that allows you to call for assistance only when you need it. This can be a cost-effective choice, especially if you don’t want to commit to a full-season contract.

    Snow Removal Service Cost

    The cost of snow removal in Scarborough can vary depending on several factors, including the size of your driveway and the amount of snow to be cleared. Generally, you can expect to pay for a single visit or opt for a seasonal contract that covers multiple visits during the winter months. The best way to find affordable services is to obtain quotes from several local providers.


    When winter arrives in Scarborough, “snow removal Scarborough” becomes a top search term for homeowners. With the availability of professional services for “driveway snow removal” and “one-time snow removal near me,” you can ensure your property remains safe and accessible throughout the season.

    Don’t let the winter blues get you down; invest in a reliable snow removal service that suits your needs and budget. Stay warm, stay safe, and enjoy the beauty of a snow-covered Scarborough without the hassle of clearing it yourself.

  • Ready, Set, Sell: Checklist for Home Sellers

    You want to sell your home in the shortest possible time for the highest possible price, right? Of course that is every seller’s goal and it’s your Realtor’s goal as well. So here’s a handy 7 Additional Quick Fixes To Make A Great First Impression When Selling A Home you need to do to make that happen.

    1. Follow the 50% rule. Look at every flat surface in your house and take at least 50% of the items away. This goes for kitchen and bathroom counters, desktops, bookshelves and dressers. Maybe you do use that blender/toaster/coffeemaker/radio every day, but for now, keep it out of sight and get it out only when you need it.
    2. 50% your closets too. If stuff tumbles to the floor every time you open a closet or a cupboard, you won’t impress your buyers. An overstuffed closet tells a buyer that you don’t have enough storage space. So get out the packing boxes, pretend you’re moving next week, and streamline every space. The buyer needs to know there’s plenty of room for his (or her) stuff.
    3. Don’t get personal. When a buyer walks through your front door, you want her to imagine herself living in your home. This won’t happen if the walls are covered with family pictures and the refrigerator door is decorated with childlike Picassos. Add these items to your packing list. Let the buyer see a clean slate, ready for her to add her own personal touches.
    4. Brighten up. Walk through your home after dark and on a cloudy day. Does it look bright, cheerful, and welcoming? Start by getting some brighter light bulbs to shed some light on those dark corners. Make sure there are no burned out bulbs anywhere. Check the porch lights and outdoor lighting as well.
    5. Show me the money. Realtors and builders alike will tell you that you’ll get the most bang for your buck by investing money in your kitchen and bathrooms. So whatever you have to spend on a pre-sale facelift, that’s where your money should go. If your bathroom vanities look shabby and dated, a couple coats of semi-gloss enamel in one of today’s “in” colors is a great place to start. Add some drawer pulls to kitchen and bathroom cupboards. Replace faucets with brushed nickel or bronze. New stainless steel appliances in the kitchen will give it a real “wow” factor.
    6. Do a painting. As part of your facelift plan, painting the interior walls is a great investment. Ceilings should be white because it makes the rooms seem larger. But keep white paint off your walls and go with a warm neutral (pale yellow, rosy beige or taupe) instead. Stark white walls are cold. Even if your home is very contemporary, you still want to reflect a degree of warmth and coziness.
    7. Check for hidden problems. Often it’s the things you can’t see that will trip you up. So keep an eye out for problems that aren’t immediately obvious. For example, if the storage space under your stairs smells musty, air it out and add some room freshener. Make sure there are no signs of mold or mildew anywhere. Look around the baseboards and the outside of your home as well for signs of termites or other pests. Make sure there are no dripping faucets or leaks under the sink. And check to see that your smoke detectors are working.
    8. Add the unexpected touch. When you’re ready for that first open house, make sure you appeal to ALL the buyer’s senses. Put out some fresh flowers or plants. (Hint: orchids are not expensive and they last a long time.) Avoid candles, which could create a fire hazard. Instead, use essential oils with scents that create a mood. Lavender is relaxing, rosemary is stimulating, and jasmine elevates the mood. Citrus scents are always fresh and clean. Of course if you want to pull out all the stops, bake some chocolate chip cookies and leave them on the counter. But please, no onions or fish smells left over from last night’s dinner.

    Homes do not sell themselves. It takes planning and effort on your part, 7 Reasons Why You Need A Realtor to Sell Your Home, to turn your property into a showplace. The payoff is the look on that prospective buyer’s face that says, “I want this one!”

  • Make It Sparkle: Eight Tips for Adding Instant Curb Appeal

    When home buyers drive your neighborhood, or when Realtors are previewing for their clients, what do they see? You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so make sure your home has the The Wow Factor: Seven Quick Curb Appeal Tips that makes people go “wow.” Take a walk around your property right now—front to back. Pretend you’re a prospective buyer. Do you like what you see?

    Here are eight quick tips for creating a visual impression that makes them want to see more.

    1. Start at the door. Get out your paintbrush and spruce up the front door. A bright color will attract attention from the street, if that fits with your overall exterior. Replace doorknobs and hinges with something new and shiny. A seasonal wreath on the door adds a welcoming touch. If your screen door squeaks or sags, get a new one or just remove it to make an attractive door more visible.
    2. Under pressure. Rent or buy a pressure washer and go over the entire exterior, top to bottom. Pay special attention to any white or light-colored areas, which tend to collect dust and dirt. Use it on porches, stairs and decks. And by the way, power washing is equally effective on concrete, and can really lighten up sidewalks and driveways.
    3. Spit and polish. Anything that’s metal on the outside of your home should sparkle and shine. Start with the house numbers. A good metal polish might work, but if not, replacing them is relatively inexpensive. Exterior light fixtures should all be working order and should shine brightly, both in daylight and dark. Check for burned-out bulbs while you’re at it. How’s your mailbox? New owners might appreciate one of the new models with a security lock.
    4. Hide the kids and dogs. You want your home to have the broadest possible appeal. Not all prospective buyers have children so if you do, it’s best to keep the evidence out of sight. Put away the bikes and balls. If you have play equipment such as swings or a basketball goal, remove what you can or move items to where they are less visible. Be sure someone in the family is assigned to pick up after Fido and Fluffy too.
    5. Plant a garden. You don’t have to have a green thumb to add seasonal color to the outside of your home. Think containers. Placing a few colorful pots on the front steps or by the door is a great place to start. Visit your local nursery and buy whatever is in season. Replace as needed—nothing dead or dying, please! Keep the grass mowed and edged too.
    6. Light up your life. Good exterior lighting improves both appearance and security. In-ground spots can accent landscape elements or the house itself. Make sure the front walkway and drive are well lit. If wiring is not an option, solar fixtures are relatively inexpensive and easy to install, although they may not be as bright as wired fixtures.
    7. Look out the window. Or in, which is what your prospective buyers will be doing. While you’re power washing, make sure the windows get their share. Use an inexpensive vinegar and water spray, and wipe down with old newspapers. Give them the same treatment on the inside and the whole house will sparkle.
    8. Shutters are a plus. Shutters add a cozy feel, so if you don’t already have them, you might consider installing some. If you have shutters, reattach anything that looks saggy. Make sure they are freshly painted. Depending on your home’s exterior, choose a contrasting color that stands out. Dark green looks great with yellow or cream. Black is great on stone or brick, and white is almost always a good choice.

    As you plan your exterior makeover, keep in mind your neighborhood, competing homes that are on the market, and your budget. Most of these How To Maximize Your Selling Price With Low-Cost Cosmetics and DIY. And even if you have to spend a few dollars for professional help, the investment will pay off by attracting more buyers more quickly.

  • Making the Right Move: A Checklist for Homebuyers

    Whether you are a A Case of Cold Feet: How to Handle the First Time Homebuyer or an experienced homeowner, buying a new home is always stressful. Here’s a handy checklist of six things you can do up front to make the process a lot easier. Before you start packing, here’s what you need to do.

    1. Prepare a budget. You need a clear picture of your family’s finances before you even think about calling a Realtor or applying for a mortgage. List all your monthly fixed expenses, such as car payments, current rent or mortgage, utilities, school tuition, and loan payments. Add categories for other expenses such as food and entertainment.
    2. List your debts. If you have existing credit card debts, student loans or other debts that require regular monthly payments, get them down in black and white, so you know exactly how much you owe. Figure out your debt ratio. There are plenty of online calculators that will do this for you. You need to know two ratios. Your housing debt expenses (including taxes and insurance) as a percentage of your gross monthly income should be 25-28%. Your installment debt ratio (credit cards and other consumer debt) should be around 10-15%. Your total debt to income ratio should not be more than 40%.
    3. Get pre-approved. #1 and 2 above are important because you want to get pre-approved for a loan before you start shopping. This is an important safeguard, to keep you from falling in love with something you can’t afford or can’t get a mortgage for. Be sure you understand the Mortgage Pre-Approval – Don’t Overlook The Importance. Getting pre-qualified means that you give a lender your overall financial picture, including your debt, income and assets. The lender evaluates this information and gives you a ballpark figure of the mortgage amount for which you could qualify. Pre-qualification can be done over the phone or on the Internet, usually at no cost.Pre-approved, on the other hand, means that a lender evaluates your debt ratios, your credit report, and your overall ability to repay a loan and says, “Yes, I would loan this buyer X number of dollars to buy a home.”
    4. Make a list. Before you begin working with a Realtor, you need to make a two-column list of needs vs. wants. Be sure you know the difference! You need three bedrooms. You want a swimming pool. You need to be very upfront with your Realtor about exactly what constitutes a deal-breaker in your purchasing process. If more than one person is involved in making the final decision, be sure that you are more or less in agreement about needs and wants. If one spouse wants a short commute and the other has visions of a country estate, you could have a problem. Resolve these issues ahead of time.
    5. Find a Realtor. Once you’ve done your homework, it’s time to start looking. You want to find a Realtor who represents you and puts your interests first. The best way to find a Realtor is to ask friends and family for recommendations. However, if you are new to the area and don’t know anyone, you may need to visit several firms and interview several Realtors. Chemistry is important. You need to look for someone who is committed to meeting your needs and who knows the area and price range you’re looking in.
    6. Ask the right questions. When you are talking to prospective Realtors, don’t be afraid to ask probing questions. And expect to get frank, straightforward answers. Here are a few to get you started:
    • How long have you been in real estate?
    • Do you represent both buyers and sellers?
    • How many buyers are you currently working with? How many sellers?
    • How many homes did you sell last year?
    • How familiar are you with the neighborhoods we are considering?

    Buying a home could well be the single most important decision you will ever make, both financially and emotionally. However, if you do your homework and prepare thoughtfully for the process, it can also be a fun and rewarding experience. Happy hunting!

  • Ready, Set, Sell: Checklist for Home Sellers

    You want to sell your home in the shortest possible time for the highest possible price, right? Of course that is every seller’s goal and it’s your Realtor’s goal as well. So here’s a handy 7 Additional Quick Fixes To Make A Great First Impression When Selling A Home you need to do to make that happen.

    1. Follow the 50% rule. Look at every flat surface in your house and take at least 50% of the items away. This goes for kitchen and bathroom counters, desktops, bookshelves and dressers. Maybe you do use that blender/toaster/coffeemaker/radio every day, but for now, keep it out of sight and get it out only when you need it.
    2. 50% your closets too. If stuff tumbles to the floor every time you open a closet or a cupboard, you won’t impress your buyers. An overstuffed closet tells a buyer that you don’t have enough storage space. So get out the packing boxes, pretend you’re moving next week, and streamline every space. The buyer needs to know there’s plenty of room for his (or her) stuff.
    3. Don’t get personal. When a buyer walks through your front door, you want her to imagine herself living in your home. This won’t happen if the walls are covered with family pictures and the refrigerator door is decorated with childlike Picassos. Add these items to your packing list. Let the buyer see a clean slate, ready for her to add her own personal touches.
    4. Brighten up. Walk through your home after dark and on a cloudy day. Does it look bright, cheerful, and welcoming? Start by getting some brighter light bulbs to shed some light on those dark corners. Make sure there are no burned out bulbs anywhere. Check the porch lights and outdoor lighting as well.
    5. Show me the money. Realtors and builders alike will tell you that you’ll get the most bang for your buck by investing money in your kitchen and bathrooms. So whatever you have to spend on a pre-sale facelift, that’s where your money should go. If your bathroom vanities look shabby and dated, a couple coats of semi-gloss enamel in one of today’s “in” colors is a great place to start. Add some drawer pulls to kitchen and bathroom cupboards. Replace faucets with brushed nickel or bronze. New stainless steel appliances in the kitchen will give it a real “wow” factor.
    6. Do a painting. As part of your facelift plan, painting the interior walls is a great investment. Ceilings should be white because it makes the rooms seem larger. But keep white paint off your walls and go with a warm neutral (pale yellow, rosy beige or taupe) instead. Stark white walls are cold. Even if your home is very contemporary, you still want to reflect a degree of warmth and coziness.
    7. Check for hidden problems. Often it’s the things you can’t see that will trip you up. So keep an eye out for problems that aren’t immediately obvious. For example, if the storage space under your stairs smells musty, air it out and add some room freshener. Make sure there are no signs of mold or mildew anywhere. Look around the baseboards and the outside of your home as well for signs of termites or other pests. Make sure there are no dripping faucets or leaks under the sink. And check to see that your smoke detectors are working.
    8. Add the unexpected touch. When you’re ready for that first open house, make sure you appeal to ALL the buyer’s senses. Put out some fresh flowers or plants. (Hint: orchids are not expensive and they last a long time.) Avoid candles, which could create a fire hazard. Instead, use essential oils with scents that create a mood. Lavender is relaxing, rosemary is stimulating, and jasmine elevates the mood. Citrus scents are always fresh and clean. Of course if you want to pull out all the stops, bake some chocolate chip cookies and leave them on the counter. But please, no onions or fish smells left over from last night’s dinner.

    Homes do not sell themselves. It takes planning and effort on your part, 7 Reasons Why You Need A Realtor to Sell Your Home, to turn your property into a showplace. The payoff is the look on that prospective buyer’s face that says, “I want this one!”

  • Making the Right Move: A Checklist for Homebuyers

    Whether you are a A Case of Cold Feet: How to Handle the First Time Homebuyer or an experienced homeowner, buying a new home is always stressful. Here’s a handy checklist of six things you can do up front to make the process a lot easier. Before you start packing, here’s what you need to do.

    1. Prepare a budget. You need a clear picture of your family’s finances before you even think about calling a Realtor or applying for a mortgage. List all your monthly fixed expenses, such as car payments, current rent or mortgage, utilities, school tuition, and loan payments. Add categories for other expenses such as food and entertainment.
    2. List your debts. If you have existing credit card debts, student loans or other debts that require regular monthly payments, get them down in black and white, so you know exactly how much you owe. Figure out your debt ratio. There are plenty of online calculators that will do this for you. You need to know two ratios. Your housing debt expenses (including taxes and insurance) as a percentage of your gross monthly income should be 25-28%. Your installment debt ratio (credit cards and other consumer debt) should be around 10-15%. Your total debt to income ratio should not be more than 40%.
    3. Get pre-approved. #1 and 2 above are important because you want to get pre-approved for a loan before you start shopping. This is an important safeguard, to keep you from falling in love with something you can’t afford or can’t get a mortgage for. Be sure you understand the Mortgage Pre-Approval – Don’t Overlook The Importance. Getting pre-qualified means that you give a lender your overall financial picture, including your debt, income and assets. The lender evaluates this information and gives you a ballpark figure of the mortgage amount for which you could qualify. Pre-qualification can be done over the phone or on the Internet, usually at no cost.Pre-approved, on the other hand, means that a lender evaluates your debt ratios, your credit report, and your overall ability to repay a loan and says, “Yes, I would loan this buyer X number of dollars to buy a home.”
    4. Make a list. Before you begin working with a Realtor, you need to make a two-column list of needs vs. wants. Be sure you know the difference! You need three bedrooms. You want a swimming pool. You need to be very upfront with your Realtor about exactly what constitutes a deal-breaker in your purchasing process. If more than one person is involved in making the final decision, be sure that you are more or less in agreement about needs and wants. If one spouse wants a short commute and the other has visions of a country estate, you could have a problem. Resolve these issues ahead of time.
    5. Find a Realtor. Once you’ve done your homework, it’s time to start looking. You want to find a Realtor who represents you and puts your interests first. The best way to find a Realtor is to ask friends and family for recommendations. However, if you are new to the area and don’t know anyone, you may need to visit several firms and interview several Realtors. Chemistry is important. You need to look for someone who is committed to meeting your needs and who knows the area and price range you’re looking in.
    6. Ask the right questions. When you are talking to prospective Realtors, don’t be afraid to ask probing questions. And expect to get frank, straightforward answers. Here are a few to get you started:
    • How long have you been in real estate?
    • Do you represent both buyers and sellers?
    • How many buyers are you currently working with? How many sellers?
    • How many homes did you sell last year?
    • How familiar are you with the neighborhoods we are considering?

    Buying a home could well be the single most important decision you will ever make, both financially and emotionally. However, if you do your homework and prepare thoughtfully for the process, it can also be a fun and rewarding experience. Happy hunting!

  • Make It Sparkle: Eight Tips for Adding Instant Curb Appeal

    When home buyers drive your neighborhood, or when Realtors are previewing for their clients, what do they see? You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so make sure your home has the The Wow Factor: Seven Quick Curb Appeal Tips that makes people go “wow.” Take a walk around your property right now—front to back. Pretend you’re a prospective buyer. Do you like what you see?

    Here are eight quick tips for creating a visual impression that makes them want to see more.

    1. Start at the door. Get out your paintbrush and spruce up the front door. A bright color will attract attention from the street, if that fits with your overall exterior. Replace doorknobs and hinges with something new and shiny. A seasonal wreath on the door adds a welcoming touch. If your screen door squeaks or sags, get a new one or just remove it to make an attractive door more visible.
    2. Under pressure. Rent or buy a pressure washer and go over the entire exterior, top to bottom. Pay special attention to any white or light-colored areas, which tend to collect dust and dirt. Use it on porches, stairs and decks. And by the way, power washing is equally effective on concrete, and can really lighten up sidewalks and driveways.
    3. Spit and polish. Anything that’s metal on the outside of your home should sparkle and shine. Start with the house numbers. A good metal polish might work, but if not, replacing them is relatively inexpensive. Exterior light fixtures should all be working order and should shine brightly, both in daylight and dark. Check for burned-out bulbs while you’re at it. How’s your mailbox? New owners might appreciate one of the new models with a security lock.
    4. Hide the kids and dogs. You want your home to have the broadest possible appeal. Not all prospective buyers have children so if you do, it’s best to keep the evidence out of sight. Put away the bikes and balls. If you have play equipment such as swings or a basketball goal, remove what you can or move items to where they are less visible. Be sure someone in the family is assigned to pick up after Fido and Fluffy too.
    5. Plant a garden. You don’t have to have a green thumb to add seasonal color to the outside of your home. Think containers. Placing a few colorful pots on the front steps or by the door is a great place to start. Visit your local nursery and buy whatever is in season. Replace as needed—nothing dead or dying, please! Keep the grass mowed and edged too.
    6. Light up your life. Good exterior lighting improves both appearance and security. In-ground spots can accent landscape elements or the house itself. Make sure the front walkway and drive are well lit. If wiring is not an option, solar fixtures are relatively inexpensive and easy to install, although they may not be as bright as wired fixtures.
    7. Look out the window. Or in, which is what your prospective buyers will be doing. While you’re power washing, make sure the windows get their share. Use an inexpensive vinegar and water spray, and wipe down with old newspapers. Give them the same treatment on the inside and the whole house will sparkle.
    8. Shutters are a plus. Shutters add a cozy feel, so if you don’t already have them, you might consider installing some. If you have shutters, reattach anything that looks saggy. Make sure they are freshly painted. Depending on your home’s exterior, choose a contrasting color that stands out. Dark green looks great with yellow or cream. Black is great on stone or brick, and white is almost always a good choice.

    As you plan your exterior makeover, keep in mind your neighborhood, competing homes that are on the market, and your budget. Most of these How To Maximize Your Selling Price With Low-Cost Cosmetics and DIY. And even if you have to spend a few dollars for professional help, the investment will pay off by attracting more buyers more quickly.