Here’s the Legal Blah, Blah Blah About a Buyer Representation Agreement Translated
When you sign a buyer representation agreement, we are joining forces … legally. I’m to represent you, protect you in offers, and ensure I have your best interests in mind. You’ve afforded me this honour so I can feed my family and keep up my reputation.
Here’s Why Representation Benefits You
- help you properly assess a property to make an informed decision on an offer price
- prepare an offer that positions you as strongly as possible
- set you up to have the best possible offer in a multiple-offer situation (without overpaying)
- inform you of any known detriments, or defects in the property that I’m aware of
- you’ll know if a seller is desperate to sell or, what price they’ll accept
- sellers will never know your motivation or your financial position
Here’s What Representation Does for Me (With Some of Your Help)
- it lets listing agents know that you’re working with me
- you’ll let me know if an agent advises you that you can place an offer through them even after you’ve told them that I represent you
- you won’t go behind my back and offer on properties through the listing agent
- again, helping you to buy a home allows me to feed and clothe my family
Here’s Why…
We’ve established a representation agreement where you’ve hired me legally to represent you and your best interest. We can still work together if you don’t sign the attached buyer representation agreement but, those benefits above won’t apply because, by law, I’m essentially a cashier at a store just ringing through a product rather than providing professional advice and guidance.
Are You Responsible for Commission?
No. And, yes. Sorry to have to bring this up again but, you’ve promised to work with me. If you decide to buy directly through the listing agent (who has no responsibility to work in your best interests), you can be liable to reimburse the commission that benefits the seller and seller’s agent.