I am a softy. I can never stay mad at my wife or kids for very long.
I put up with a lot of headache clients—more than I care to remember. Actually, this is now a New Year’s resolution: I will walk away from nuisance people when my gut tells me so.
My gut has always been right.
The latest round of “Too Nice Mike” involves a client’s father, who purchased two pre-construction condos and is in a precarious position of not being able to close on them.
The reason I feel bad and want to help as much as I can, and out of the goodness of my heart, by the way, is he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
Wanting to help as much as possible, I’m scheduled to attend the pre-delivery inspection on their behalf—for free. I’m taking time out of my day, missing my jiujitsu class, to walk through a condo I had no part of the buying process.
However, his kids ask if there is a way out of the contract because of his condition.
Here is the message thread:
Daughter: Hey Mike ???? Is there any way we could speak to the builder for an extension? It’s most likely that my dad’s illness affected his judgement when making the decision to get involved with this.
Me: I can’t answer that question. I don’t know the legality of that situation. You would need to consult with a lawyer. That will cost money.
Son: Would it be something that could be asked anyways? I don’t think we are trying to make a legal case, just a more practical issue that she won’t be able to make the next payment most likely, and may not be able to secure a mortgage either in a short period of time. Can you request if they can delay? I don’t think it’ll hurt to ask? I don’t think it’s out of ordinary or outside of market standard for our broker to negotiate/make such request?
Me: I think we need to all need to understand what the situation is. I am offering to help where I can and am doing this out of respect and free of charge.
Asking to negotiate and make such a request is outside of market “standards”.
This is a lawful binding contract that was signed and executed under seal and would require a knowledgeable professional in this field.
Son: Of course, we very much appreciate your assistance and kindness.
I think we are just trying to think of our options here and wanted to get your thoughts. But I understand certain aspects will require expertise.
In the meantime, if you can kindly follow up with the required next steps and relevant dates that would be greatly appreciated, and we will see what can be done.
This is why I like about writing things out. It clears my mind and lets me think with more logic than emotion.
While writing this post, I decided it was best not to get any more involved, so I canceled my attendance for the pre-delivery inspection and advised them to contact their lawyer.
Attending the PDI may be construed as consent to close the condo. If they can’t, I’m worried it could come back on me and professional advice, and I could be sued.
This isn’t worth the stress, especially when I had nothing to do with the decision to buy the condos in the first place.