If I’m not writing, all I think about is what I will write about.
The topics are great. The pacing is perfect. Entire articles perfectly written that grab the readers attention and provide me the authority and proof that homeowners are looking for in order to hire me to sell their home.
The words are always there before I sit down to write.
Once I sit down to actually wite, the words are gone.
Instead I see a fog. It’s white on the ground and progressively gets more grey as I look higher. The shade of grey you get from mixing purple, blue and brown together (if that makes sense?).
Where do those perfectly good real estate topics go? Into the aether?
Maybe they never were real estate topics to begin with.
Who the fuck wants to write about real estate anyway?
Does anyone actually read blogs anymore, especially real estate blogs?
Home buyer guides? I’d rather have another vascectomy.
Top ten lists on how a seller can sell their home? Dictating an Adam Sandler movie would be more enjoyable.
If it were up to me, I’d write about my belief in Feng Shui and show examples of how energy (chi) can pool and get stuck in areas where the current is restricted.
Example, and I apolgize for bringing this to your attention because you’ll now notice it: while driving, pay attention to cars parked on the street and how often there is an oncoming car at the same time.
One driver will have to slow down to let the other pass.
This is the flow of energy getting stuck or collecting. Too much stagnant energy can be a bad thing.
Energy should have an even flow (as Pearl Jam would sing). Not too fast that you can’t gather any of it, and not too slow that it collects a stagnates and turns negative.
Think of a slow meandering stream. The water is clear, soft and beautiful. A perfect flow. You can wade into the stream unafraid of being swept off by the currents.
Now picture a violent river with foaming white currents crashing into each other. A kind of angry current that would kill you if you tried crossing the river.
Then there is the sitting water of a swamp. Algae as green and smooth as a billiards table covers the still surface. The putrid stench of rot and decay alerts the survival instinct in you that the water is poisonnous.
But who would want to read that sort of nonsense? How does that help someone sell their home?
I could go into detail about how furniture placement can affect the energy flow in a room and turn off a potential home buyer.
Same goes for the size of furniture. Too big = energy restriction. Too small or too sparse; the opposite.
Would anyone care to know about front door placement? Likley not.
It would take more than the nine second attention span of most people and by the time I got to the point explaining that when a front door opens to a staircase, which lets the energy of a home rush down the stairs and out the door, readers would be bored stiff and opening their dopamine inducing social media app of choice.
There’s no serotonin released from discovering how a front door facing a window allows energy a direct line to escape the home too.
Nah, no one cares. They’d rather know what the new colour trend of the year will be so they can spend a day shopping at Home Sense to replace all of their blue, gold and grey pillows and throws.
My topics are boring, therefore I don’t write about them.